About our business

Have you ever had a moment where you were taken aback by emotion? That instant where you said to yourself, "Woa... I never realized just how much I could feel at one time". It's kind of like your heart is full to the point of bursting but so light it could float right out of your chest... Oh I know, very sappy. But if you have kids chances are you've felt and said some version of this to yourself at one point or another.

For me, the first time I felt this was watching my husband hold my daughter after a bath. Now normally, Bree has straight hair like her Dad. But once it gets wet, these crazy curls start to form on the top of her head. It's one of the first little quirks I noticed about my sweet girl. That day she had just gotten out of the tub and was in this silly, happy mood playing with her Dad by the window. All the sudden, she just turned towards me and gave me the most amazing, soul-touching smile...

Needless to say, I was instantly struck with the warm feeling of completeness and comfort, like nothing was wrong in the world and it would be impossible to feel any better than I did right then... And I thanked the photography gods that I had my camera in my hand!

This is my why. Every time I see this portrait, I'm gifted that same feeling again and again. Because it's not just a portrait of Bree; it represents a touching and intimate moment that my husband, daughter and I shared that I never want to forget.

Hi! My name is Erin Eberle and my love of photography began at a young age (sorry Dad, for always stealing your film!). Being able to capture the stories taking place around me was a truly special feeling and always something I was drawn too. But it wasn't until my brother, James and I experienced the loss of our childhood home and photographs to a fire, that we truly began to appreciated how important a role photography would play in our lives… In a way, it’s like our origin story - if photographers were superheros haha.

I suppose sometimes it's hard to really grasp how much a photograph can mean to you until they're no longer there for you to look at... even when they're dusty and mothball-smelling, you miss them! In some instances it's not only the photo that's gone, it's the memory of that particular time or event and the people that were in them with you. And while we still remember those people and those times, without the tangible artifact in our hands to show us just how things were, the sights, smells and feelings just didn't seem to come back quite as strongly. It became apparent rather quickly to me how fleeting those special moments were and are without the assistance of photographs and I clung to my camera with the desperate desire to capture everything I possibly could.

I'm one of those people that reads books very slowly. Not because I'm a slow reader... I read and re-read paragraphs to soak up as much emotion from them as I possibly can. I know those characters inside and out and there isn't a detail that I miss... As a mother now watching my daughters grow before my eyes, there isn't a moment that I want to forget. And like a good book, I want to soak in those moments over and over again.... Photography has become my source of comfort. It blankets me with page upon page of the story of my family….

… and while we may have bickered and been complete opposites as children, James and I have a very strong commonality. We believe it is our responsibility and our privilege to use our desire and need to document as a way to capture all of the moments you feel so strongly about in a way that will blanket you with your story.